Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The $16 million temper tantrum

Well part one of the $16 million temper tantrum in Wisconsin is under way.
How did we get here? Well it's simple.

The Democrats and their union supporters did not like the reforms that Gov.
Scott Walker put into place. These reforms curbed the power of the public
unions and gave local government tools they could use to save money; and
many local units of government used these tools to their advantage. They
were able to save money, lower health insurance costs and lower property
taxes for their taxpayers. Walker did not cave to the unionistas and the
whiny brats who call themselves Democratic party officials.

For putting these reforms in place, bringing certainty to the economy and
business Walker is faced with a temper tantrum from the unionistas in the
form of a recall, one which is being held for all the wrong reasons. The
little children known as Democrats want a redo because they didn't like how
the 2010 election turned out. Well the children need to learn that
electiosnhave consequences.

Well they need to learn to live with the results and I think this tantrum
will show them that. Barrett's craptastic record will lose him and the
whiny children this recall election. Wisconsin needs to decide between two
futures. One is the path of prosperity, lower taxes, job growth and
certainty for business. The other choice is one of higher taxes, job loss
and over regulation of business. In other words do they want to move
forward or go back to the bad old days of Doyle?

Barrett's craptastic record includes high unemployment, high crime and high
infant mortality including a high number of infant murders called
co-sleeping by the liberal establishment in Milwaukee. As Barrett is the
likely winner of the primary, does Wisconsin want someone who will lead or
do they want someone who is an empty suit? His idea of creating jobs is the
green economy and we've seen where that's gotten us. Then there's the
environmental disaster known as MMSD's dumping of shit into the lake.
Barrett has failed miserably to stopthe the dumping of shit into the lake;
and we're talking about millions of gallons of shit too.

Once this is over, the bill ought to be sent to the national Democratic
Party and the public unions, giving them 30 days to pay the bill prior to it
going to collection. Maybe that will teach the children that temper
tantrums have consequences.

What future will they choose? I can sure say one thing. I wish we had a
leader like Scott Walker here in Illinois. Maybe our taxes would be lower
than they currently are and we would have pension reform. One can hope and