Sunday, August 1, 2010

When will liberals get it?

When it comes to almost anything these days, I must ask the question that is
the title of this blog post. When willliberals get it?

It's obvious they don't get it when it comes to jobs. They insist on
passing numerous laws that affect small business. This shows in legislation
that they enact such as the misguided financial reform measures which will
only serve to further tighten credit. What will the regulations for this
legislation require? Noone knows yet and that will further fuel uncertainty
by business which will in turn mean fewer jobs and les investment. Why
should business create jobs if they are not certain what will be coming down
the road in terms of regulation and taxes? As for taxes, there are a ton of
these in the health care legislation. Talk about more uncertainty, you have
it in a large piece of legislation which amounts to a government takeover of
health care. Don't forget what they did to the student load program either.
Talk about uncertainty. There is some for students as well. What will
those regulations look like? I don't think anyone knows.

You have liberals talking about energy independence. What this means is cap
and trade which would choke off industry and necessarily, by Obama's own
admission, raise electric rates. How is this a good thing for business or
the individual? One more example of where liberals don't get it.

Then there's uncertainty at the state level. Providers and others aren't
getting paid due to state financial problems. When will the Dems realize
the problem and begin working across the isle to help fix the problem? Who

Noone really knows what the future holds. The liberals don't seem to
understand that uncertainty is no friend of business. They just think that
business is evil and needs to be regulated. They think that the government
knows what is best rather than the individual. Whatever happened to free
enterprise? I don't know but we had better figure that out before we become
so like Europe that there's no turning back, something we're really fast

November can't get here fast enough.

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