Thursday, January 14, 2010

Count your blessings

Once again the title says it all. As I continue to hear and read stories
coming out of Haiti, I am thankful for what I have. Many of these people
had far less than I now have even before the quake; but have far less now
than they did before the quake. We are talking about the poorest country
in the western hemisphere but even they don't deserve this. No one does and
tragedy of this magnitude knows no boundaries in terms of wealth or social
status. The rich as well as the poor are dying and suffering in this

As I made my meal this evening, I thought about the fact that I have food to
eat and was thankful for that. I also have a roof over my head, a place to
call home. So many of these people don't right now. They've also lost
family members in the cruelest of ways and it only took seconds for it to

This is why we should count our blessings. We can lose everything in an
instant. We don't know when this might happen either. Be thankful for
every moment you have as it is precious as are the people you love. Take
time to stay in touch with your family. I pray that I never ever have to go
through a living hell like what is happening in Haiti. The tragedy is
horrific and unimaginable. All I can say about the situation is nasty,
nasty, nasty!

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