Friday, July 22, 2011

The budget and the future

We hear a lot about the debt, the budget and deficit spending as these are
topics of major concern. They impact all of us and affect the economy,
something liberals don't seem to understand. Just look at the fact that the
Senate hasn't passed a budget and is trying to maneuver its way out of cut,
cap and balance.

What do you expect from a body that is controlled by the Democrats? More of
the same I'm afraid. They don't want to address the real issues which are
the rising cost of health care which does include Obama Care. Entitlements
are another issue they won't' address because some poor person might get cut
off and they won't be able to control that person anymore.

Make no mistake about it. This fight is about control of the people and
liberals want to control people. They will do things that will get you to
do what they want you to do. Just look at environmental and energy
regulations for all the proof you need in that area.

Then there's the overreach of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),
telling a private business where it must locate jobs. Hopefully the House
can stop this government excess before more jobs are lost. There might
even be a budget cut there.

As for entitlements, we have to look at reform of this as the current path
is unsustainable. We can't keep throwing money at the problem. There
needs to be reform so that people are encouraged to get off programs as
these were never meant to be permanent.

Obama Care is another place to look for budget cuts. This legislation will
only raise health care costs not lower them. It does this in many ways,
including government mandates which have the added harmful effect of choking
off jobs. Decisions should be made between the doctor and the patient
without interference from the government. This would not be the case under
Obama Care. Just look at the bureaucracies created under this law. Budget
busters to be sure, not to mention getting in the way of the doctor-patient
relationship. I won't even get into the dirty deals that were hatched to
pass that law.

To say that it's time to cut the budget is an understatement. This is one
frustrated voter's view.

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