Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Come up with a candidate GOP

As the title indicates, the GOP needs to come up with a candidate; one who
can beat Obama. This country can't afford another four years of Obama and
Stewart Barney from Fox Business News said tonight on, I believe, the Hanidy
Show that if Obama gets another four years, this country will be bankrupt.
Is that a future the GOP wants to see for our country? I know it's not a
future this Republican wants to see. We don't need to be more like Europe
in that regard.

Several candidates have come and gone. Herman Cain was once the flavor of
the day and has thankfully exited the scene. Rick Perry has taken a dive
after showing that he is not ready for prime time. Bockman and Paul both
need to exit as they're too extreme. What we're left with is Romni,
Gingrich, Santorum and Huntsman. For these last four, Gingrich has what I
believe are insurmountable problems and would do the party and the country a
favor by exiting the race now.

As for the other three, I have problems with Romni on health care. I need
to find out more about the other two but Santorum is a conservative who I
wish would catch fire. Huntsman is one who Obama will have trouble
attacking as Obama appointed him Ambassador to China. That says something
for how they get along. It also gives Huntsman some credible foreign policy

It comes down to electability and Romni is probably the most electable but
stranger things have happened. I urge all who read this to do as I plan to
do and explore the issues and look at the candidates you are interested in.
become an educated voter. The future of the country is at stake.

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