Monday, February 20, 2012

Milwaukee: call it what it is, murder!

As many of you know I do listen to some radio out of Milwaukee WI. As a
result of this, I hear about some of the issues that are going on in that
area and one of them is what they are calling co-sleeping. As the title
indicates, it's not what I call it. This behavior is defined as aninfant
sleeping with an adult in an adult bed or worse, on a couch. They seem to
have a lot of these incidents, far more than we hear about in northern
Illinois.There's got to be a reason for that and I have a theory as to what
one of those reasons might be. They're not calling it what it really is,

Murder is defined as the killing of someone by another person. While this
is likely not the strict legal definition, it will suffice for this
discussion. There were two more of these "co-sleeping" or what I call
murders, this past weekend; and they were about five hours apart.

What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and
expecting a different result. Well in this case, not calling something for
what it really is means you will get more of it. I truly believe that not
calling this murder diminishes the seriousness of the crime so that they get
more of it. Besides that, leaders in the community don't speak out against
it either, especially in the African-American community where most of these
seem to happen.

This community has some serious issues and this is but one of them and it
points to larger issues such as drug abuse, alcoholism and children
havingchildren. It also points to lack of leadership when no one speaks out
and says,"hey this is wrong."

How many infants must die before theMilwaukee community calls so-called
co-sleeping for what it really is, murder?

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