Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Liberals and what they know or don't know

You might wonder about the title of this entry. Well, let me explain.

First I will talk about what liberals seem to know a lot about and then what
they don't know a lot about.

Let's start with what they know a lot about, and that is how to spend money
and control every aspect of life if allowed to do so. Why do I say that?
Well, there is the summit by the EPA on bed bugs. I kid you not. That was
a story in the news yesterday. Apparently all o the big problems are solved
so we can go after this one which I feel is nonexistent. To add to the
nonsense on this one, they can't even explain why it is a "problem". They
attribute it to changes in insecticide, more international travel and other
reasons too stupid to remember right now.

Liberals are quick to swoop in if they think there is a problem and they
think that only government can solve the problem. That's not true and
conservatives need to beat on that drum. You have moves in places such as
Milwaukee to mandate 9 paid sick days a year. What will that do to jobs?
Naturally it will kill them. So will higher taxes, something Wisconsin
politicians haven't figured out yet. Then we have AT&T here in Illinois who
is mandated by the Citizens' Utility Board (CUB) to offer three phone plans
for under $25 a month because they think you are paying too much for monthly
service if you pay over $25 a month. Once again the consumer should be
allowed to make that choice but liberals don't think that way because you
might not make the decision they want you to make. It shows how liberals
don't understand business and how it operates which is why you see
politicians saying we have to close loopholes and make corporations "pay
their fair share". This is a jobs killer which is aimed at business because
they don't do what the liberals want. Then there is the issue of unions
which is a subject for another day and another blog entry.

Now let's talk about what liberals don't know and that comes in the area of
science. Did any of these people take a science class in school or did they
just take what they needed in order to graduate? They don't know junk
science when they see it, which global warming is junk scieince as far as I
am concerned. My understanding is that the model they use for this was
invalidated by a University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) math study
recently. This should call much of the global warming "theory into
question; but the environment is nothing short of religion for liberals.
While we do need to take care of the environment, it is not necessary to
mortgage the future to do it.

Then there is their ignorance of physics which is tied to their love
of environmentalism. This manifests itself in their push for CAFÉ which is
a higher fule economy for cars. What they don't realize is that the smaller
the car is, the worse it will do in crash tests, especially with another
moving vehicle of midsize range. Test of that exact type were done recently
by the American Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (AIIHS) and the small
cars did not fair well against the midsize cars. Let's just say the
occupant of the small car like the Honda Fit or the Toyota Yaris would wind
up dead in such a collision. In other words, there is a tradeoff for better
gas mileage and that trade-off is safety. Cars like the Corolla which is a
midsize get good gas mileage and give you safety. I'd love to know what the
crash results are for the hybrids. As some would say, CAFÉ kills people and
the auto industry; and you know the government would love to shove CAFÉ down
the throats of the auto companies, something which is likely given the
recent bailout of that industry. That's a subject for another blog.

Suffice it to say, liberals know how to swoop in when they see there is a
problem except when the problem doesn't fit the template of their agenda.
These people need to be stopped. Conservatives need to have a voice and
speak up against control by liberals of all facets of life. If we who are
conservative don't speak up, we won't recognize this country and that
process, sadly, is well under way.

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