Thursday, April 30, 2009

A failing grade for first 100 days

If you haven't guessed by reading the title, my grade for President Obama's
first 100 days in office is a big fat F for failure. There are a number of
reasons I say this. Let me count the ways.

First of all, president Obama and his friends in the Democratic party have
increased the deficit more than President Bush ever did. This means that
our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be paying off the
debt that Obama has left behind. McCain was right when he called this
spending "generational theft".

The next failure comes up in the passage of the economic stimulus bill. Oh
did I say stimulus? I meant to say porkulus or spendulus, with both
descriptions fitting this legislation. This, I believe, was the bill with
approximately 9,000 earmarks in it which means that Obama broke his promise
to get rid of earmarks. If you think it's business as usual in Washington,
you would be 100% correct about that.

The next failure comes in terms of appointments. Obama can't find anyone
worthy of appointment to various positions because the only people he can
find are those who haven't paid their taxes or "forgot" to pay them. Can
you say politics as usual in Washington? I can, especially given that Obama
comes from my home state of Illinois where we just tossed a rather corrupt
governor out of office. What took so long to get Sevilius confirmed as
Secretary of Health and Human Services? Could it be that she had some
issues back in Kansas? I think so as there was a rather "controversial"
abortion case there and I have heard that there are questions about her
relationship with the "doctor" in that one. Another sign of failure is the
fact that we don't have a surgeon general yet either amid all of the
hysteria about swine flu.

Then you have Vice President Biden who, no matter how he or his office tries
to spin it, will find out that digital recordings don't lie about what is
said. I heard Biden referred to as the "gift that keeps on giving" because
of his reputation as a one-man gaff machine. He just proved it this morning
and Obama doesn't know how to keep him muzzled. Doesn't that prove what a
questionable choice Biden was in the first place?

I haven't even gone into foreign policy yet; and there are failures here as
well. Where are the troops that were promised for Afghanistan? The
teleband is making inroads, squandering the hard work of those who have
fought and died to free that country. A lot of hard-fought gains,
especially for women, are in jeopardy there. Then you've got the whole
issue of interrogation methods which Obama detests but doesn't say how he
would have obtained the information, except to say he would not have used
the methods that were used under the Bush administration. How many lives
have been saved because of use of those tactics. Terrorists don't
understand nicey nice. They only understand brute force, something they are
extremely good at inflicting on their victims.

Do I think this country is safer now than it was under President Bush? No,
I definitely don't. We are weak and we come across as such. I haven't seen
it this bad since the Carter years and that's scary. Can you say Carter all
over again? I can and probably worse this time too.

We are in danger of seeing Pakistan fall to the teleband and there is no
firm plan to deal with this. This is especially scary considering that
Pakistan has nuclear weapons. If those things end up in the wrong hands,
we're all in trouble. What a potentially bloody mess.

These are just a few of the failures of the first 100 days. There will be
more failures to come, I am sure. I just hope we recognize this country
when Obama gets through because I am not sure we will. That's a scary
thought, isn't it?

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