Monday, May 11, 2009

The future is in the wrong hands

President Obama has done more to change this country than anyone
I know of recently; and it's not for the better either. There
are many examples of this fact which lead me to the conclusion
that we surely won't recognize this country when President Obama
gets through; and sadly, I am afraid this will be true and sooner
than we think. This is why I think that the future of this great
country is in the wrong hands.

What are the examples I am talking about. The first one is the
push for health care reform which is nothing more than code for
rationed health care. It is also code for the fact that some
people are just going to be deemed too expensive to have around.
That's playing God and no human should be allowed to do that. It
is telling some Pwd that we are too expensive to have around. I
was with someone yesterday who uses a ventilator; and I resent
the fact that this woman will be told that she is too expensive
to have around. This so-called reform will also hurt seniors as
some of them will likewise be told that they are too expensive or
that they are just getting old and need to live with whatever
they have. It's scary to say the least.

Insurance companies have caved in to Obama on health care reform
for a couple of reasons. the first one is that they don't want
it shoved down their throats. Well, I've got news for you. It
will be shoved down all of our throats likely this year as Obama
has enough votes in Congress to ram this through despite
Republican opposition. The other reason insurance companies
caved in is that they are afraid not to for to oppose Obama
invites retaliation against the business. This behavior has
already been seen nationally. Just look at the wet sloppy kiss
to the UAW that is the auto bailout. Obama has ridden roughshod
over the bankruptcy laws of this country in the Chrysler deal.
Bon holders who own secured debt have been told to accept the
deal with Fiat (Fix It Again Tony) or else. I have heard that
there are some bond holders who are not happy; and I hope they
sue over this as they have legal rights which Obama doesn't give
a damn about. What makes anyone think that the UAW can run an
auto company and produce a product that people will buy? They
can't and that's the problem. Will the government have to buy up
this slop that resembles a car to prop up the company and the
union? God help us all if this happens.

Getting back to health care, we are seeing some vindictiveness
already. I just heard today that California is trying to cut its
budget as it must balance the budget. One way it wanted to do
this was to give a pay cut to home health care workers. There
are about $68 billion problems with that solution though. The
cut was worth $74 million but in a wet sloppy kiss to the Service
Employees International Union (SEIU, California was told by the
Obama administration to rescind the pay cut or lose its stimulus
money which totals about $68 billion. Talk about using a hammer.
The Obama administration will use this stimulus, spendulus,
porkulus to get entities to do what it wan because the Obama
administration thinks it is the only one who knows what is good
for the people and the country. Well, that very far from the
case thank you very much.

Former Vice President Cheeney has spoken out, saying this country
is not as safe now as it was under his and Bush's leadership.
Sadly Cheeney is right about that. Terrorists know we won't get
tough with them and God forbid we have to bring that danger to
the shores of this country because of closure of Guantonimmo .
Do that and you are inviting another terrorist attack in this
country. Lord knows I don't want to see that.

If anyone in the disability community thinks that Democrats and
liberals are our friends, they need to wake up and smell the
coffee. Who cut the federal operating subsidy for mass transit?
It was Clinton who is a Democrat. Why did we not hear about a
recent ADAPT demonstration in Washington where 99 people were
arrested using tactics that ADAPT is famous for? The answer is
that the liberal media did not cover it because it did not fit
their precious little template. Who was President when the ADA
was signed into law? It was George H.W. Bush, a Republican. Who
was President when the amendments to that law were passed? It
was George W. Bush, a Republican. Who was President when the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was signed into law? The answer is
Richard Nixon, a Republican. Who was President when the sit-ins
became necessary in order to get the Rehab Act regulations
passed. It was Jimmy Carter, a Democrat. I think I have made my
point. Democrats are not necessarily our friends. Just look at
the pay cut for home health care workers who were forced to
unionize, at least in Illinois. Their pay is regulated by
liberal Democrats who have forced these people into unions.
Unions are no longer about what they once were which was getting
decent wages and working conditions. Now they are about power
for the overpaid leader and influencing politicians. It's not
about the little guy anymore which is sad. The little guy gets
shafted; but these are the people who helped get Obama elected
and he owes them in a big way and he will pay them back too.
This payback won't be good for the country either.

Remember also that Obama fired the CEO of General Motors, or
should I now call it Government Motors. That is unprecedented
and shows that Obama will do anything to get his way. He wants
us to be more like Europe where companies are run by the
government and where the political system is socialist in nature.
Will we recognize this country when Obama gets done?
Unfortunately the answer to that question is a resounding "no"
and it's happening much too fast too. Will 2010 be too late for
a Republican revolution? God I hope not but at the rate this
idiot is going, it might be too late.

As I said in the beginning of this piece, the future is in the
wrong hand. There's no question about that. I just hope people
realize the mistake before its too late. Oh, I forgot. It's
already too late for that. I just hope this country survives for
the sake of all of us. What are we leaving for the children?
Nothing but a mountain of debt and an administration willing to
do anything to get its way, including committing "generational
theft" as John McCain called it. Can you say worse than Carter?
I sure can and just did and that's a real scary thought.

Well, at least I can make these comments and we had better not
lose that but that's a thought for another day..

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