Friday, May 1, 2009

Green, my least favorite color for political reasons

Green is my least favorite color for some very political reasons.
Green is the symbol of the environmental movement which is
treated as a religion in this country and elsewhere. It's do
this or that for the environment. Go green for the environment.
Ever heard of green technology? Come on, don't make me puke

We are told that we have to be more green. We need to use
compact flourescent light bulbs. never mind that the things are
considered hazardous material for disposal purposes. I shouldn't
have to go down to a site far from my home to dispose of a damn
light bulb, the use of which has been shoved down my throat by
the government and an industry who couldn't sell the damn things
without a freaking mandate to buy them. The reason the damn
things are hazardous material is that there is mercury in them.
You're also not told what to do if one of these little buggers
breaks. That's also a situation that's not ordinary. Can you
say mess in the name of green? I sure can.

Then there is the issue of hybrid buses which I have heard cost
more to purchase and either cost more to operate or don't deliver
the promised energy savings, both of which scenarios are not
good. Will this be the next thing that is shoved down our
throats in the name of green, not to mention a product that the
industry can't sell without a mandate to buy it? Lord I hope not
or the taxpayers will certainly pay big time.

Don't talk to me about green. It's the liberal mantra and
they'll shove it down our throats if we let them. They can stuff
their carbon footprints where the sun don't shine. Obama is real
good at creating such a stinking footprint.

Then, there's the global warming crowd. Don't get me started
there because the science is, shall we say, questionable on that
one., Gor not withstanding. Talk about a hypocrite. Gor owns
stock in oil companies which doesn't make him very green, putrid
or otherwise.

So what about the color green. Don't shove it down my throat
politically. I'd rather not choke on it or gag on it.

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