Monday, October 26, 2009

Government-controlled health care no thank you

Lately we've been seeing reasons why the government should and must not
control health care in this country. The current administration can't even
handle a vaccination effort. What makes anyone think they can handle health
care if, God forbid, they get control of that? I have absolutely zero
confidence that they can handle it. Does the media play a role here? You
bet they do because they're whipping up the hysteria over the swine flu.
The regular flu causes people to die but you don't hear about that. Why is

You have a vaccine for swine flu that is being rushed so that this
administration can look like it is doing something about a problem which is
largely, in my opinion, being created by the media. All we've heard about
in the way of health news since last spring is swine flu, swine flu and more
swine flu. The hype has gotten so bad that I avoid listening whenever I
can. I don't need to be reminded every minute of every waking hour about
the precautions I should be taking. There are, however, people who don't
know how to take these precautions or just don't care. Deal with them but
don't force me to do what they won't do because they don't give a damn. You
go into any church or ride any train during the winter months and you will
hear people coughing and sniffling. These are people who should stay home
from work or school. If they did, we wouldn't have some of the problems we
have currently. If some of these people would go to the doctor sooner than
they do, they wouldn't spread their germs to everyone else. I, however,
don't want to pay for their mistakes.

Back to the vaccine for a minute. There is no track record, no research and
nothing to tell us about the side effects of this vaccine. I for one won't
take anything which is as untested as this thing is. Is that the reason
that the Obama administration wants to force it down everyone's collective
throats? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

?Given all of this, I certainly don't want the government in control of my
health care. Any decisions about my health should be up to me and my
doctor, not some government puke who knows nothing about me. I don't want
to have to play 'mother may I" when it comes to health care. I want to know
that my doctor and I can make decisions about my health care and what's
right for me, not what suits the politicians. If health care does go
through in the way that the administration wants, get ready for rationed
health care because it's coming to a doctor's office near you. Get ready
for the affects of section 1233 of the House bill which mandates end of life
care. People can say whatever the hell they want about that one but it's
there and they can't deny it. It's aimed at the elderly and those with
disabilities in my opinion. If you're not useful to society, then you have
no value. White House Chief of Staff Rom Emanuel's brother has said as much
and this is someone that Obama listens to. BTW you don't hear about him
from the adoring media either. Another form of biased coverage I would say.

Wake up America. We're headed down the path of socialized medicine if this
so-called health care reform passes. Be prepared to wait years for
treatment as is currently done in Canada and Great Brittan. Be prepared for
the government to tell you when you can go to the doctor and what treatment
you can obtain. If you don't want these things, then wake up and take
action to oppose the current administration and what they are trying to do.
Act as if your life depends on it because it very likely does.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I want my doctor to have all of the facts and make a decision based on them, not on whether or not the procedure would be allowed by the government. And all of this money is not going to come from thin air.
