Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama has no concept of business

The title once again says it all. Obama has no concept of business no
matter what type of business it is that we are talking about. In the case
of health care, we're talking about the insurance industry which is an
industry that Obama and his liberal friends have nothing but contempt for.
As Obama has never held a real job in his life, he's never had to provide
benefits which include health insurance. He and his friends don't
understand the concept of risk which the insurance industry is based on.
The less risk there is the lower the cost will be. The higher the risk is,
the higher the cost will be. Thus people with preexisting conditions or who
make risky lifestyle choices will be more costly to insure. Anyone who is
fat is at risk for complications from the fact that they are fat.

//requiring everyone to have health insurance isn't the same as requiring
everyone to have auto insurance. As another blogger said, anyone who is
relatively healthy will wind up paying for those who are not. You might not
like to hear that but unfortunately it is a fact of life. Requiring
insurance companies to take people who choose to wait until they are sick to
get health insurance will only increase costs for all of us because these
people will be higher risk.

These are concepts that Obama and his liberal friends don't understand. If
health insurance reform can't be done right, then don't do it. Anyone who
has read this blog knows I don't support the current plan for a variety of
reasons. /with government control of insurance comes government telling you
what you can and cannot do from what you eat to how long you sleep and a
myriad of other lifestyle matters. I don't want that but the liberals do
because they don't like the decisions that we would make on our own.

Also, what if someone legitimately can't work? How are they supposed to get
insurance under the Senate plan? They're screwed too because of the fine
contained in this bogus piece of legislation if they don't have insurance.
It's just another way for liberals to force us to do things that they want
us to do. They can't make a convincing argument so force is the only way
they know how to get their point across. It's all about control and I don't
like it. We need to stop it before we lose control of our lives and the
health care reform, I mean deform, is the first place to stop it. Please
act now while we still can. God knows Obama knows nothing about business
and will continue to shove these bad ideas down our collective throats and I
for one don't want to choke on that piece of horse shit.

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